Monday, August 6, 2012

More than Just the Average 'Subdivision Yard' is Possible! You Need a Vision and a Plan!

I'm convinced that most folks feel like they are just "stuck" with the traditional plantings left by their builder. Most everyone has the "grassy area" a few shrubs up against the house, and perhaps a tree or two!  But, you don't have to stop there. It truly is possible to transform a typical 1/4 acre plot into something you'll enjoy - and admire.

It just starts with a paper and pencil. Having a basic plan of what you'd like is a great place to start. And, it doesn't have to be anything elaborate (unless you're so inclined). It really comes down to a few things:

1. What's the "look" you're going for - formal, cottage, modern, etc.
2. How much time will you have for maintenance - little, couple of hours a week, fully dedicated
3. What's your sun/shade ratio in the yard
4. What about the soil - rock hard, sandy, or decent dirt?!
5. What's your budget - HA, a few bucks, or let's do this thing right!!

Once you have answers to these question, you can start the process. Try to think outside the box - just because your neighbors all have the exact same thing, doesn't mean you have to follow suit!

I decided a few years ago (after my trip to Charleston), that I wanted to "dress things up a bit" and go for some formal spaces. So, by simply adding a row of boxwoods at the edge of the yard, two urns with simple evergreen shrubs, and a rock path, I could achieve the look I was after. It's a process, and you shouldn't be afraid to move things around if they don't work! Go for it!!

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