Monday, July 30, 2012

Spice Up Your Perennials with some SALSA

Coneflowers are an easy, colorful perennial to add to your garden - with shades of purple being the most popular color. However, I stumbled on this beautiful red variety called "Salsa" two years ago and it's been a showstopper ever since. The clump has doubled in size since I planted it and it's held up extremely well in this heat.


  1. Ah, a SOUTHERN Gardener!! Scott, I love the Coneflowers! Unfortunately, here in the midwest, we are lacking one significant ingredient.....WATER. Enjoying the blog, and really enjoying the pics!


  2. Thanks Rob! And, maybe you should try a little raindance or something creative like that. Yes, unless you're going for the cactus flowers, water plays a critical role! good luck.
