Saturday, August 11, 2012

Red Spider Lily . . . Nice Surprise!

A lot of folks call these flowers "rain lilies" and now I understand why. We had quite the storm come through last night and much to my surprise, the bulbs I planted last fall have bloomed. There are no leaves to give you notice that they are on their way - just a fast growing stem and an amazing red lily!

The red spider lily can be planted late-spring through fall, sending up winter foliage that dies back into dormancy during the summer, until your breath is taken away with its sudden fall blooms (and, in my case - late Summer!). Red Spider Lily foliage needs at least a half-day of full winter sun to thrive. Remember too, that the red spider lily bulb performs well under trees that lose their leaves during winter, allowing the bulb's foliage to soak up sun energy.

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